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Tout ce qui peux ce rapporter à la musique de Naruto (et même + ^_^) c'est ici que ça ce passe !!!!
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 MIDI Request(s)

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5 participants
Rang: Genin
Rang: Genin

Nombre de messages : 7
Localisation : Australia
Date d'inscription : 11/08/2005

MIDI Request(s) Empty
MessageSujet: MIDI Request(s)   MIDI Request(s) EmptySam 20 Aoû à 10:23


Could someone fill out my requests please? =D

I know that Sadness and Sorrow Piano has already been composed as a midi, but there's no loop version. Could someone find a way to loop it for me? I've already tried it but I had problems dealing with the tempo and volume events at the end.

And there is a tune in the Naruto Movie #1 which I would like composed. The tune plays when Sandayuu and the army prepares to fight Dotou just before they all get killed. I couldn't seem to find it on the OST. So could someone compose that for me as well?

Very Happy Very Happy
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Rang: Sannin du son (modo)
Rang: Sannin du son (modo)

Nombre de messages : 1044
Age : 42
Localisation : In Uranus !
Date d'inscription : 22/12/2004

MIDI Request(s) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MIDI Request(s)   MIDI Request(s) EmptySam 20 Aoû à 11:43

- sadness and sorrow : i can do it, just indicate me the starting/ending you want me to loop (timing, *it can be approximative*).

-naruto movie : i'll take a look...
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Rang: Sannin du son (modo)
Rang: Sannin du son (modo)

Nombre de messages : 1044
Age : 42
Localisation : In Uranus !
Date d'inscription : 22/12/2004

MIDI Request(s) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MIDI Request(s)   MIDI Request(s) EmptySam 20 Aoû à 18:59

*few time later...* Twisted Evil
Sandayuu Vs Dotou
Maybe i'll render it in mp3 (with really good samples !)

Dernière édition par le Dim 21 Aoû à 16:29, édité 1 fois
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Rang: Genin
Rang: Genin

Nombre de messages : 7
Localisation : Australia
Date d'inscription : 11/08/2005

MIDI Request(s) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MIDI Request(s)   MIDI Request(s) EmptyDim 21 Aoû à 13:32

Yes! This is the midi I want from the movie, THANKS Very Happy

And for the Sadness and Sorrow midi, make the midi end at 1:48:15 and make the loop start at 0:35:08.

Thanks again, you're great Very Happy it okay if you fill one more of my requests? I forgot to ask before. Razz

This tune is also from the Naruto Movie #1. Is plays around halfway through the movie, just after Sandayuu's film crew decide to continue the filming of the movie. And later on, Yukie runs away again (the tune still plays during then) then Naruto finds her after she trips.

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Rang: Sannin du son (modo)
Rang: Sannin du son (modo)

Nombre de messages : 1044
Age : 42
Localisation : In Uranus !
Date d'inscription : 22/12/2004

MIDI Request(s) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MIDI Request(s)   MIDI Request(s) EmptyMar 23 Aoû à 12:08

Loop is done.

For the next transcription, i'll do it when i'll get more free time. Smile
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Chocobo d'or
Rang: Chuunin
Rang: Chuunin
Chocobo d'or

Nombre de messages : 170
Date d'inscription : 08/07/2005

MIDI Request(s) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MIDI Request(s)   MIDI Request(s) EmptyVen 26 Aoû à 20:48

Citation :
Maybe i'll render it in mp3 (with really good samples !)

Hummm... maybe you have an address where we can have good samples too :-p
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Rang: Genin
Rang: Genin

Nombre de messages : 7
Localisation : Australia
Date d'inscription : 11/08/2005

MIDI Request(s) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MIDI Request(s)   MIDI Request(s) EmptyDim 2 Oct à 10:09

Sorry, I don't
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Rang: Genin
Rang: Genin

Nombre de messages : 7
Localisation : Australia
Date d'inscription : 11/08/2005

MIDI Request(s) Empty
MessageSujet: Tea Country   MIDI Request(s) EmptyJeu 13 Oct à 8:54

Could you compose Tea Country from the Naruto OST 3?
I would be a good background tune for a world map for my game.
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Rang: Sannin du son (modo)
Rang: Sannin du son (modo)

Nombre de messages : 1044
Age : 42
Localisation : In Uranus !
Date d'inscription : 22/12/2004

MIDI Request(s) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MIDI Request(s)   MIDI Request(s) EmptyDim 16 Oct à 20:32

I'm too busy to do this now.
I'll try it later.
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Rang: Genin
Rang: Genin

Nombre de messages : 7
Localisation : Australia
Date d'inscription : 11/08/2005

MIDI Request(s) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MIDI Request(s)   MIDI Request(s) EmptyMer 19 Oct à 12:53

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Rang: Genin
Rang: Genin

Nombre de messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 18/01/2006

MIDI Request(s) Empty
MessageSujet: request midi   MIDI Request(s) EmptyMer 18 Jan à 18:32 really not understand french language also no good in english...
but hope u understand...your midi sound really good...same as mp3 quality...i need NARUTO-HEAVY VIOLENCE in midi files...i have already but format in mp3...too much size...midi more save space...
please ! please ! please ! i beg to your best...k...bye...i want save
this address right now ^^
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Rang: Genin
Rang: Genin

Nombre de messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 18/01/2006

MIDI Request(s) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MIDI Request(s)   MIDI Request(s) EmptyMer 18 Jan à 18:39 already save this address....later can come again ^^
but if u can try make all naruto song in midi files..
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Rang: Genin
Rang: Genin

Nombre de messages : 7
Localisation : Australia
Date d'inscription : 11/08/2005

MIDI Request(s) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MIDI Request(s)   MIDI Request(s) EmptyMer 8 Fév à 6:51

Itanium a écrit: already save this address....later can come again ^^
but if u can try make all naruto song in midi files..

I understand you. It is okay.
You can get "Heavy Violence" here:

PartyBoy made this midi a long time ago before OST3 came.
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Rang: Sannin du son (modo)
Rang: Sannin du son (modo)

Nombre de messages : 1044
Age : 42
Localisation : In Uranus !
Date d'inscription : 22/12/2004

MIDI Request(s) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MIDI Request(s)   MIDI Request(s) EmptyVen 3 Mar à 21:56 main site with midi, sheets etc...

Heavy violence is 70% transcribed. I'll post it soon !
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Rang: Sannin du son (modo)
Rang: Sannin du son (modo)

Nombre de messages : 1044
Age : 42
Localisation : In Uranus !
Date d'inscription : 22/12/2004

MIDI Request(s) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MIDI Request(s)   MIDI Request(s) EmptyVen 17 Mar à 19:47

divination64 a écrit: it okay if you fill one more of my requests? I forgot to ask before. Razz
This tune is also from the Naruto Movie #1. Is plays around halfway through the movie, just after Sandayuu's film crew decide to continue the filming of the movie. And later on, Yukie runs away again (the tune still plays during then) then Naruto finds her after she trips.

Done !
I named it "Escape".
You can download it in the "privilege" section.
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Rang: Genin
Rang: Genin

Nombre de messages : 7
Localisation : Australia
Date d'inscription : 11/08/2005

MIDI Request(s) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MIDI Request(s)   MIDI Request(s) EmptyDim 28 Mai à 15:27

Nice! Thanks a lot of the midi, PartyBoy =D

Sorry for not replying for a while...
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Rang: Genin
Rang: Genin

Nombre de messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 21/04/2007

MIDI Request(s) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MIDI Request(s)   MIDI Request(s) EmptySam 21 Avr à 8:23

At first I would really like to say that its great how many really good midi you already created for everyone, thank you for that! Smile
Could someone please make "No boy, no cry" by stance punks as a midi?
It would also be enough if its only the singing voice.
Thanks a lot!

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Rang: Sannin du son (modo)
Rang: Sannin du son (modo)

Nombre de messages : 1044
Age : 42
Localisation : In Uranus !
Date d'inscription : 22/12/2004

MIDI Request(s) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MIDI Request(s)   MIDI Request(s) EmptySam 21 Avr à 12:05

Thanks !
I'm glad you appreciate my work...
I'll try to make it as soon as possible.
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Rang: Genin
Rang: Genin

Nombre de messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 21/04/2007

MIDI Request(s) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MIDI Request(s)   MIDI Request(s) EmptySam 21 Avr à 14:15

thanks a lot partyboy!
for me it also would be enough if u only did the "singing voice" as a midi.
it would be cool if you could make the midi in the same tempo as the original song.
but its really great what u did, i listen to your midis quite often, cause they're very good made!
Thank you very much!!!

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MIDI Request(s)
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